Sunday, January 25, 2009


Whoever is in charge of holidays and deciding what days are holidays needs to fix some issues.. our current Holidays are totally messed up. Dont they realize that we really dont CARE what holiday it is like Presidents day versus MLK day we only care that we get the day off and our kids dont have school. I think these 2 holidays in general are timed terrible.

You have Christmas and New Years that are right bang a week apart then a scant 3 weeks later comes MLK day.. not ready for a holiday yet... then not even 1 month later Presidents day. Then we have this HUGE span of time where is not a Holiday until Memorial day.

I know easter is in there but there is no "recognized" holiday for easter so everyone gets screwed. I think we need to have a "Day off Day' or "Labor Day #2 " in the middle between Presidents day and Memorial day. Who is in charge of this.? Who do i need to email about it.?


EBKB said...

T would agree with you WHOLEHEARTEDLY...

As for me, I always get annoyed by how many "in service" days they have where the kids stay home from school, and how sometimes those days are like a week from the last holiday. If I had to arrange for child care on those days I would be PISSED.

brookelmt said...

I just experienced my first "no child care" holiday and I had to cancel my workday because of it.

I have been thinking quite a bit lately about what I'm going to do next year and beyond when this is a consistent issue with my son's school calendar and me not having child care.
I'm not pissed but I am annoyed.